Learn The Craft
Learn to craft a bow using hand tools in the style of an Eastern Woodlands Native tradition as taught to me by a Muscogee (Creek) Bowmaster, Mike Berryhill. I will carry on the teachings of bow making as long as I am able in honor of my Mentor & friend. It was Mike’s intention to share his teachings with as many as possible so the knowledge would be passed on and endure at least another generation.
We offer bow making workshops which require some effort to find the bow inside the raw stave. Osage Orange, known also as Bois D’arc, Bodark, Hedge-apple, is a highly valued wood for specific properties that make it an excellent bow material. Hickory, Black Locust, Ash and many others also make great bows. There is something about the Osage bows and the soul of the tree that appeals to me. Harvesting of the wood is done in a good way with respect to Nature and the Spirits of the land, always mindful of the impact of our gathering. A chain saw is used to fell the tree, then only hand tools are used throughout the splitting of the logs, debarking & curing process (usually a year or more), shaping and finishing of the actual bow.
The Osage Orange bow workshops are four all-day sessions. At the end of the four days you are more than likely going to be shooting your bow. Few will have the finish work done by then and you will have the knowledge to fine tune and beautify your bow on your own.
We prefer to share the knowledge of bow making with you rather than sales, but we do occasionally sell a Red Hawk bow. We have done volunteer workshops and done give-away. We believe in Reciprocity, Generosity and Gratitude.
Space is usually limited to six possibly expanding to eight participants.
Call or write for more information or if you have questions.
Phone: 818.391.7434 email: lonnie@redhawkcreek.com

“My traditional bow made by my friend Lonnie Hamilton. It’s made from osage orange wood and it often accompanies me on my hikes.”
Preserving the Traditions & Culture Of Native Ways
-Lonnie Hamilton
“To those interested in primitive skills– make your own bow with the most incredible teacher ever imaginable, Lonnie, the bow-maker of his people whose passion is to pass down this ancient art and medicine. ”